
Public economics and environmental policies

Keywords: public economics, environmental politics, redistribution, double dividend, technology adoption and diffusion

Mouez Fodha s’intéresse aux politiques fiscales liées à la protection de l’environnement, à l’endettement public et au développement durable, et enfin aux effets redistributifs des politiques environnementales. Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline et lui-même ont publié plusieurs articles sur les modalités de redistribution des recettes des taxes environnementales afin d’en corriger les effets régressifs. Ils montrent qu’un recyclage ciblé de ces recettes fiscales peut permettre à la fois d’obtenir un double dividende et de réduire les inégalités induites par la politique environnementale.

Mouez Fodha studies tax policies related to environmental protection, public debt and sustainable development, and the redistributive effects of environmental policies. Along with Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, he has published several articles on how to redistribute revenues from environmental levies in order to correct their regressive effects. They showed that using these tax revenues in a different and targeted way can both yield a double dividend and reduce inequalities brought about by environmental policy.

  • Researchers: Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, Mouez Fodha, Stéphane Gauthier, Fanny Henriet, Katrin Millock, Katheline Schubert.
  • PhD Students: Marion Leroutier, Morten Nyborg Støstad, Manon Richard, Lennart Stern.

« 5 papers… in 5 minutes ! » linked with this thematic

Diane Aubert, Mireille Chiroleu-AssoulineIt is possible to avoid the social injustice of environmental taxes

Morten Nyborg StøstadHow does inequality fundamentally change economic models?

Stéphane Gauthier, Fanny HenrietWhat optimal taxation for the polluting goods? The principle of targeting in the presence of local externalities

Ibrahim Ahamada, Mouez Fodha, Djamel KiratShould the state consider regional differences in its carbon tax regime?

Solmaria Halleck Vega, Antoine Mandel, Katrin MillockAccelerating Diffusion of Climate-Friendly Technologies: A Network Approach

Emeline Bezin, Ingmar Schumacher What impacts do urbanization and nature disconnection have on environmental quality?

Mouez Fodha, Thomas Seegmuller, Hiroaki YamagamiEnvironmental Policies under Debt Constraint